Social media facts and trends for marketing supported by user statistics are now influencing marketing strategies and tactics. Companies have already started to bypass the more traditional mass media products of radio campaigns, TV ads and press promotions in favour of driving awareness on the social networks.
Listed below are some social media facts, trends and social media statistics to help inform how or where a business might focus their social media strategy.
Remember that today, social media is allot more than just likes, followers or branding. It is a complete publishing and sales channel with the ability to tap into large volumes of data together with a reach that stretches into the millions of buyers.
Build a social network channel now
This is not a trend, this is a must do. Any business who is resourcing and building their social media channels (populating them with audiences) are creating an online publishing platform with built in marketing channels and a content marketing distribution network that works 24/7. Company leadership should view these social media networks as valuable digital assets that will grow each year. Done correctly, social media networks will give any business huge leverage in winning over customers and a connected marketing channel which works nonstop.
So without further ado, let us take a look at statistics for the major social media networks.
Statistics on Social Media Demographics
The social media networks are a whole universe of conversations, tweets, like, followers, profiles, content, data and interests. Social data tells us they are no longer just used by the young and the nerds. Social media interaction is a truly global activity, embraced daily by people of all ages and in every corner of the web.
Social media trends and statistics
# 72% of all internet users are now active on social media
# 89% of 18-29 year age group use social media
# 30-49 age groups has now over 72% usage
# Over 60 percent of 50 to 60 year olds are active on social media
# Even in the 65 plus age bracket, 43% are using social media
# 84% of C-level/vice president executives use social media to support purchase decisions
# Nearly one in three consumers are influenced by social media in their purchases
# 87% of consumers are influenced by reviews read on social media
# 71% of users access social media from a mobile device
# Twitter has over half a billion users
# Facebook has over 1 billion users
# LinkedIn has nearly a quarter of a billion users
# Google+ has more than 2.5 billion users but only 10% are active
The myth that social media is the playground of the young has been debunked. Buyers, consumers, shoppers, sellers, seekers, businesses and organisations are all to be found in the social media universe. The age barrier is no longer relevant except for demographic targeting
“Facebook is still the biggest social media network. But Google+ and Twitter are serious contenders for audiences”.
Marketing and Business Love Social Media
93% of marketing departments use social media for branding/business
70% of brands have a presence on Google+
Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are the top 3 sites used by marketing
Here are some other social media statistics and infographics to mull over.
Every business that wants to engage deeper with target audiences should be increasingly aware of the global march towards a near total digital age, one which rewrites the rules on how brands engage with buyers.
These social media statistics with researched data makes it even more evident that the only way forward to engaging consumers and buyers is through social media communications.
Understanding the global social media landscape is not just some useful information; it provides valuable insights and data that must be central to any business strategy.
Understanding the global social media landscape is not just some useful information; it provides valuable insights and data that must be central to any business strategy.
Social Media Trends – Forecast
#Social media is “in-the-moment” updates will grow rapidly. Real time sharing of video and content is going to get faster and better
#Buy Buttons. Major social media brands will feature some kind of buy button as an element of their online advertising campaigns
#In-app features will spread giving marketers ever more opportunities to engage with their audiences
#New content marketing or publication channels will evolve on existing social networks
#User privacy and the use of social data concerns will grow
#Internet Users now totals 3.175 Billion, that’s nearly half of the world’s population (7.357 Billion).
#Mobile is the future. Nearly 2 Billion users utilise their mobiles for Social Media
#Social media searches within social platforms will become more powerful
#Video will grow. Videos average 62% more engagement than photos. Live video streaming is set to explode
#Smart advertising is on the up. Big data will allow brands to target specific buyer intent or triggers
#Content specific to each social media channel and audience will evolve
#The rise of influencer marketing spend within user generated content will become more visible.
So there you have some social media trends and statistics. How relevant they will be in 6 or 12 months (or by the time you have read this article) is anyone’s guess. The important thing is to keep on top on what is happening on the social networks and don’t chase every social media fad that comes along.
Reproduced from original article: Social Media Facts and Trends – The Bitter Business
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